I Accidentally Rubbed and Ruined My Microblading – What Should I Do Now?
The cost of microblading might run into hundreds of dollars. But those who have used it say it’s an attractive investment. Some claim that it has saved their lives and significantly increased their confidence.
But what if things don’t turn out as planned? What if you wake up one day and look in the mirror when your brows are still healing and say, “OMG, I ruined my microblading?” Here are some possible reasons for the issue and solutions.
Accidentally Ruined Microblading
You will need to wait until the touch-up is performed 6–8 weeks after the first procedure if you picked at your microblading scabs and pigment came off with them. To fill in the patches, the microblading artist will reapply pigment and go over the area.
Check If Your Microblading is Ruined
Get informed on the microblading healing process and learn what is typical and genuinely an “I ruined my microblading” scenario before you start worrying.
Yes, the skin is sliced during the microblading procedure, and the brows themselves are a wound that must heal. The stages of healing for the eyebrows are as follows:
- They will initially seem overly dark. However, even though you might freak out and fear your microblading is damaged after the healing procedure is complete, it will vanish.
- They will then begin scabbing. It’s perfectly natural for some scabs to shed along with the pigment, revealing fresh, pale skin.
- Your eyebrows will look light and spotty once the scabbing phase is complete. Many clients may think They ruined my microblading at this point, but patchy and uneven results are typical until the healing process is complete. Then, a touch-up visit is necessary to fill in all the spaces between your brows and fix any flaws.
Four to six weeks after the first microblading session, your eyebrows are fully healed, and it isn’t until the touch-up that you can assess the results.
What may Make your Microblading Look Bad?
After you leave the salon where your microblading was performed, everything is up to you. Following the appointment, you must adhere to a specific aftercare schedule for the first two weeks.
Here are several potential disasters for your microblading and what to do in each case.
Wet Eyebrows
Sweat and water are the biggest enemies of newly applied microblading. So you’ll be instructed to keep your brows dry by your microblading expert. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wash your brows; you shouldn’t dunk them in water or use lots of watery splashes.
The second layer of skin, the dermis, is where microblading is performed, and if the brows have not fully healed, the pigment is simple to extract. And that’s precisely what water does—it causes the pigment to loosen and lighten, ruining the permanence.
If a few drops of water accidentally land on your eyebrows, don’t worry; make sure to dry them as soon as possible. However, swimming in a pool or the sea is strictly forbidden, such as visiting steam rooms or saunas or placing your head under the shower head.
Sleeping The Wrong Way
After a microblading session, you should be cautious about your sleep patterns.
Although your microblading artist will tell you to sleep on your back, you have no control over whether or not you turn to one side when you’re dozing off. For example, you probably slept on your side if one eyebrow is paler or if some pigment is lost from one eyebrow but not the other.
Enhancing the color and renewing the strokes can also be fixed during the touch-up.
Working out or Exercising
Another enemy of newly microbladed eyebrows is sweat. The pigment is forced out from the interior, which impacts retention.
For this reason, working out, jogging, and other strenuous activities should be avoided while your microblading is healing.
If you have a fitness addiction, you will likely find it impossible to spend two weeks without exercising. But keep in mind how much you spent on your microblading and that the outcome might not be as desired. It’s okay to practice light yoga indoors or take a quick walk through the neighborhood, but stay out of the sun.
If you went jogging or hit the gym and it harmed the results of your microblading, it can be repaired at the touch-up if you somehow forgot that you shouldn’t exercise during the healing period or your artist failed to mention it. On the other hand, if you skip your workouts for at least ten days, the outcomes will be better.
Picking The Scabs
During aftercare, picking the scabs is highly discouraged. You must allow them to fall off naturally. They will take some pigment with them if you remove them before they are fully ready to come off, exposing fresh, colorless skin beneath. This can be repaired at the touch-up, but it will be more difficult to fix if it leaves scars.
However, there is no need to be worried if you unintentionally rub the scabs or scratch your brows while sleeping. They will most likely fall out soon anyhow, and hopefully, they won’t leave scars.
Not Cleaning The Brows
Even though your microblading professional advises keeping your brows dry, you should still wash them sometimes. It’s crucial to wash your eyebrows. Doing so will clear the skin of debris, germs, dead skin cells, and ointment buildup and allow it to breathe.
The skin needs to be able to breathe to heal correctly, which it cannot do if it is covered in scabs and buildup.
Every day, lightly wipe your brows with a cotton pad dampened with sterile water. Avoid rubbing or using too much pressure. Apply a healing balm afterward, if indicated. Use just a rice-grain-sized amount of the healing ointment; do not apply more.
Before applying a fresh layer of ointment, you must keep your brows free of previous products.
You shouldn’t worry too much if you make a mistake and ruin your microblading because most of it can be fixed at the touch-up. The eventual outcomes, nevertheless, might not be as good as planned. So to achieve great results, it is preferable to stick to the aftercare directions provided by the professional.