Shampoo your hair before bleaching or coloring?
When it comes to hair bleaching and hair coloring, you should always do a little prep work to get the best results. Do your research and you’ll see that one of the most important things you can do is shampoo your hair before bleaching or coloring.
Did you know that it’s actually better to shampoo your hair before bleaching or coloring? It helps to soften the hair shaft and remove impurities so that hair color can be more evenly and easily applied. If you didn’t know that, you’re not alone! It’s a common misconception among many people, and we’re happy we were able to share some useful information with our readers on this topic.

Bleaching and coloring your hair is the best and easiest way to make it shine and make it look healthy and beautiful.
Applying hair dye to hair that has not been shampooed can cause creasing and uneven coloring. That is why it is recommended that you wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo and then shampoo with a quality shampoo that is free of sulfates before applying any hair dye.
Bleaching and coloring your hair is the best and easiest way to make it shine and make it look healthy and beautiful. However, there is common confusion about whether you should shampoo your hair before bleaching or coloring.
The idea is that shampooing your hair may remove the natural oils from your hair and it may make the bleaching or coloring process inefficient. Alternatively, you might think that shampooing before bleaching or coloring will allow for a better dyeing or bleaching process.
What do shampooing and conditioning do and how do we use them to make sure we get the best results from our hair color?
Shampooing your hair before bleaching or coloring makes hair supple and soft. Some hair color products come with a warning to shampoo hair first. Most hair care professionals would also recommend shampooing and conditioning before coloring or bleaching.
If you want a lighter color, then you should shampoo your hair before bleaching or coloring. Shampooing or wetting the hair causes the cuticles to close, locking in the color pigments. This can be a problem if you’re going for a darker color, as it can make your hair look duller or darker than you expect. Good beauty schools always recommend shampooing first before coloring or dyeing.
Shampooing before color or bleach is a great idea. It will make the process a lot easier and more professional looking if you shampoo your hair before you color it. It will also allow the color or bleach to soak into your hair fully, so it won’t take as long.
There are also some products on the market, called pre-bleach treatments, where you can put the product in your hair before you shampoo it. Using these products will allow you to color your hair on the same day. If you do not use a pre-bleach or a pre-color treatment, then you will have to shampoo your hair the night before.
Bleaching before can damage your hair
Shampooing the hair before bleaching is really important as this will help you get rid of as much product as possible as well as soften the hair. If you don’t shampoo the hair before bleaching, your hair will have a buildup of product on it which will make the bleach not color the hair evenly. This is not what you want!
We also recommend that you use a clarifying shampoo because this will thoroughly clean your hair, remove any buildup of the hair and help the hair take the hair dye better. The shampoo should not have any conditioner in it either since the conditioner will leave a residue on your hair, which will prevent the color from taking.
You can, but it really depends on what you are using to bleach or color your hair. If you are using a hair dye, then it would be best to shampoo your hair before applying any dye to it.
This is because hair dye usually contains ammonia, which can considerably damage your hair. It’s best to remove all the oil from your hair to avoid unnecessary damage. In this scenario, it would be best to shampoo your hair. However, if you are using home bleach, then it’s probably best to let your hair get a bit dirty before bleaching it.
The reason is that the bleach will turn your hair a yellowish color. Adding a bit of dirt to your hair will make it a bit darker, and it will make the bleaching process a little easier. This is because it will be a bit darker, and you can bleach it a few extra times.
We hope this information has helped you understand the importance of shampooing your hair before bleaching or coloring it. Thank you for reading, we are always excited when one of our posts can provide useful information on a topic like this!