When a Guy Stares at You | What is He Thinking?
People constantly stare at each other, and they never think to ask what the other person might be thinking. We often notice someone staring at us and wonder if they are judging us or if we look like crap today.
But as it turns out, there’s probably nothing of the sort going on in their heads; most people who stare at each other do so because they are thinking about how attractive the other person looks, or how nice their hair looks, or how much fun it would be to talk to them, among other things.
Why does it happen?
A lot of women wonder why men stare. Some men can’t help it. If you’re beautiful, it’s instinctual to have that sort of response when we see you. It’s our nature, and it’s natural.
Even if you’re not particularly attractive, as long as there are no glaring flaws in your face, we’ll still find something attractive about you – like your eyes or hair. We’re always attracted to our gender – no matter what society may teach us about being ashamed of attraction to members of the same sex.
How do I react/respond?
Let’s start by saying that your action should always be based on what you want out of any given situation—not on whether it makes you uncomfortable.
If he’s staring because he thinks you’re attractive, and if his staring makes you uncomfortable (because he might think it means something more than that), then telling him to stop staring might feel like an appropriate response.
But if his staring doesn’t bother you and making eye contact helps you get through your commute without checking Twitter for the tenth time in a row, feel free to keep doing just that. Even though certain behaviors may make us feel uncomfortable, there are rarely negative consequences for our actions.
But sometimes I like it
Guys stare because they find you attractive and want to know you better, even if it’s not on purpose! When a guy finds something interesting, his eyes naturally wander towards that something. This can be awkward for both of you when he’s staring directly at you — but don’t worry! When guys are curious about people, they look for subtle cues that indicate what their intent might be.
Suppose he’s staring directly at you without attempting to shift his gaze away from your face or body. In that case, he may find you attractive and be interested in knowing more about you. So if that happens, say hello!
It doesn’t hurt to talk to people who are kind enough to give us compliments. And even if he isn’t into you, being friendly will put him at ease and let him know that it’s okay to make eye contact with women. In other words: Don’t take it personally!
Guys stare because they find you attractive and want to know you better, even if it’s not on purpose! When a guy finds something (or someone) interesting, his eyes naturally wander towards that something. This can be awkward for both of you when he’s staring directly at you. When guys are curious about people, they look for subtle cues that indicate what their intent might be.
Sometimes it feels creepy
Guys stare at girls all of the time. Maybe they’re admiring you, or maybe they have nothing better to do than creepily leer your way. Perhaps you’ve experienced times when it felt creepy and other times when it didn’t. The truth is that men (and women) are wired to notice visual cues in their surroundings, which could be anything from an attractive face to a new haircut.
From an evolutionary standpoint, our ancestors, who were naturally wired to notice these things helped them survive by giving them enough information about their environment so that they could steer clear of danger or snag a mate for reproduction purposes—and as much as we try not to think about it today, both men and women are still programmed that way today. It’s hardwired into us.
Studies show that people are attracted to symmetrical faces because they indicate fertility. So if you ever feel uncomfortable with a guy staring at you, don’t worry too much about it—it’s completely normal! Remember: It doesn’t mean he’s checking out your butt; he’s probably just wondering what color eyeshadow you’re wearing.
What if I stare back?
If you’re into him and you want to see what happens if you stare back, then do so—but pay attention to his reaction. Does he smile or become more interested in conversation? If yes, he may want to know what your deal is. No rule says you can’t flirt with someone even if they’re not making eye contact with you. Suppose his interest didn’t increase after staring back at him for a while.
In that case, the chances are that he’s either uninterested or shy. Don’t waste time trying to interact with someone who isn’t going to make an effort either.
It might be nice to be able to get any guy you want, but getting involved with guys who aren’t willing to put forth the effort will lead to heartbreak.
Remember: Everyone has their own thing going on; don’t expect anyone else to act like you or feel like you. If a guy is caught up in something else when he sees you, let him be and move on without thinking anything. Chances are there was nothing wrong with how you looked! But keep checking out guys whenever they happen to look at you; it could turn out that one day one of them likes what he sees!
A man who’s looking you over can be interpreted in many ways. It might be his style, or he’s just bored, and his eyes are moving around to kill time. Or it could mean he likes what he sees and wants to get to know you better. So how do you tell whether that guy checking you out means something good or bad?
If he doesn’t look away when your eyes meet, he’s interested in continuing eye contact and making personal connections. That’s nothing to worry about because mutual interest indicates an attraction or enjoyment of engaging with another person.